Contraceptive advise

Contraceptive advise

Many elements need to be considered by women, men, or couples at any given point in their lifetimes when choosing the most appropriate contraceptive method. These elements include safety, effectiveness, availability (including accessibility and affordability), and acceptability. Voluntary informed choice of contraceptive methods is an essential guiding principle, and contraceptive counseling, when applicable, might be an important contributor to the successful use of contraceptive methods.

In choosing a method of contraception, dual protection from the simultaneous risk for HIV and other STDs also should be considered. Although hormonal contraceptives and IUDs are highly effective at preventing pregnancy, they do not protect against STDs, including HIV. Consistent and correct use of the male latex condom reduces the risk for HIV infection and other STDs, including chlamydial infection, gonococcal infection, and trichomoniasis.

Dr. Akula Ramya Krishna

MBBS from Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences Andhra Pradesh in 2013 and DNB – Obstetrics & Gynecology from NBE, New delhi
  • +91 85916 13084
  • Shop No. 27, YASHRAJ PARK, Ghodbunder Rd, near Apollo Pharmacy, Kasarvadavali, Thane West, Mumbai, Thane, Maharashtra 400615

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